The Relentlessly Biblical Podcast - What to Expect and Why You Should Listen!
Despite all human achievements, people are becoming more isolated and indifferent to what is happening around them. Individuals and families struggle to live wholesome and fulfilling lives as the fabric of all that is true and good seems to be coming apart. Ethical and moral living standards are increasingly becoming less about what God wants and more about what we want.
So. where do Christians go for help when every proud expression of thought rises against the knowledge of God? - They go to the Word of God.
Hello and welcome to the Relentlessly Biblical™ Podcast, your monthly source for understanding God's full and accurate revelation concerning his son Jesus Christ for the new and mature Christian alike. We are your hosts, Alex and Christian, and every first Sunday of the month; we release a brand new episode where the topic and conversation is always the Bible.
It's an amazing book that promises to be sufficient for all your needs. It's a record of God's gracious dealings with humanity and is the source of spiritual growth for all Christians. In this podcast, we promise to bring you sound biblical teaching that does not compromise the scriptures but demonstrates its purpose in your life and reinforces your faith in God's Word.
You can also expect relevant and insightful guest interviews and the uncompromising study of many complex and misunderstood biblical topics, characters, places, and events. Together, we'll unearth those often-overlooked scriptural treasures that will indeed bless you and open up your understanding of God's word.
This podcast is the perfect thing to put into your ears during your daily commute, gym session, dog walk, or anytime you want to tune out and tune in to the Word of God.
If you encounter issues accessing our episode notes on your preferred podcast platform, please visit The Relentlessly Biblical™ Podcast website to access the complete set of notes.
Welcome to The Relentlessly Biblical™ Podcast. Every first Sunday of the month, we bring you a show dedicated to establishing and reinforcing a high view of the scriptures and Jesus Christ, of whom the scriptures speak. So tell all your podcasting friends and family that this show is free to Listen and Follow on the podcast platform of their choice. Join our Mailing List to receive the latest show news and updates, and visit our Join the Conversation page to ask questions, provide feedback, or submit an idea for future episodes.
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Core-Truth Media is a registered subsidiary of Core-Truth Ministries and is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes as a 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation. © Copyright 2025 Core-Truth Media All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use and or duplication of this media without permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be shared, provided that full and clear credit be given to The Relentlessly Biblical™ Podcast with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Recorded and engineered at Prevailed Studios.